How Mummies Can Look Yummy

Congratulations, you’re a new mum! Has your world turned upside down as baby dominates everything in your life? Do you have so much to think about there’s little time to think about you? 

Despite your new responsibilities you can still look good even though you’re focused on feeding time, dirty nappies and cleaning up lots of dribble. Here’s some simple advice on staying stylish through the first few months of motherhood.

Denim does wonders

Buy a good pair of jeans. Not only are they easy to match with almost everything but they can stand up to the rigours of being a busy mum. You’ll worry less about stains feel really comfortable which will shine through in the way you look and feel.

Sneaker style

Treat yourself to a really trendy pair of trainers. Practical, stylish and cool: what’s not to like? And you’ll be able to keep up when running around after baby and avoid sore feet. Forget plain but go extravagant and say loud and proud that you’re happy to be a mum.

Hit the sack

When you have a child you suddenly find yourself carrying a lot more than you did before. Get a bag that has plenty of room for teething rings, bottles and nappies. Go for one with a long handle so it doesn’t fall off your shoulder while you’re giving the little one the attention they deserve.

Old is the new black

Open up the wardrobe and take a look inside. Are there items in there that you haven’t worn for a while but could be repurposed for your new mum look? That dress you wore on your birthday could work very well with a pair of Doc Martens. Or maybe that floral pattern shirt would look good under dungarees? Save money and recycle.

Lippy and shades

Most new mum’s have around one minute of sleep a night. Don’t let it bring you down by buying a bright lipstick and cool new pair of sunglasses. You’ll be amazed how it can transform sleepy into sexy.

Try something new

Clothes shopping may seem like an unnecessary distraction at the moment but it would be well worth your time seeking out brands designed for new mums. You can browse on the internet while feeding the baby so there’s no excuse not to look.